Clinical Animal Behaviour Referrals
Loni Loftus Behaviour
loni@loniloftusbehaviour.com / 07754 189 319
Harmony for you and your pet...
Does your pet show unwanted behaviours?
You are not alone...every year thousands of pets are referred for help with overcoming behaviour and training problems of all types.
You have made the first step...
The thought of arranging a behaviour consultation for your pet can seem daunting however one of Loni's priorities is to help you and your pet feel at ease throughout the consultation. Loni has high professional and ethical standards but is very approachable and has experience of a wide variety of animal behaviour and training problems.
Loni actively encourages clients to contact her via email about the problems occurring so that she can offer some immediate emergency advice if needed and provide full information about the consultation process. A pre-consultation phone call can be booked in advance.
Below you will find links to download copies of her veterinary referral form as well as cat, dog and horse behaviour questionnaires which are required before a behaviour consultation can take place.